Monday, August 13, 2012

Deception on a National Level

Ok, now let's take a little detour away from individual or group self-deception and take it to the higher lever of an entire nation's deception. And to do that I am going to refer the readers of this blog to the two most disturbing books I have read this year:

"The Harbinger", by Jonathan Cahn; and "Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream", by Dinesh D'Souza.

The first book, "The Harbinger", which was mentioned in an earlier posting, parallels the neglect of God by ancient Israel with the equally neglectful (and in fact repudiating) attitude of America against God, warning us that the judgment that fell on unrepentant Israel is completely possible (and in fact, guaranteed) if America does not repent and quickly so.

Anyone who hasn't read this book yet is missing out on some of the most interesting facts of American history that I have ever read; as well as missing out on prophecy that is chilling to say the least, especially because it is so biblical.  This is not some ungodly psychic or false prophet attempting to fabricate some dire future events; things that the world at large seems to be enamored of, sadly.

This is a Jewish rabbinical scholar (and a believer in Jesus Christ) who has spent so much time studying the Word of God that, I believe, the Holy Spirit has revealed some amazing truths to him about prophetical passages within the pages of the Bible.  It is a disturbing book as it brings home how quickly that judgment could arrive at our door...we are talking imminent!

But now, having just finished reading Dinesh D'Souza's book "Obama's America" the chills continue.  If the first book is a prediction of what is to come, the second book is the revelation of HOW it will come and what it will look like. And the fact that the highest leader in our free country can be the downfall of it all, is indeed a sign, or should be to us, of judgment from God towards a nation who has gone its own way.

Now before you think to yourself "Yep, all those non-Christians are bringing judgment to our country" I think you should think about the subject we are studying which is self-deception; as I believe that even as believers in Christ, we are in so many ways just as guilty as non-Christians if for nothing else but our complacency.

Look at the number of churches in our country.  Look at the number of people calling themselves Christians.  Then try to find a Phinehas. Oh, there are some.  But how many are there compared to the number of those who say they "trust" in Jesus AND "walk obediently" according to the Word of God? We have a lot of "profess-ors" of faith, but few "do-ers" of faith. We have many who proclaim America needs to repent, but few who believe that judgment is so imminent that they have given up their various modes of entertainment and recreation in order to fast and pray for mercy. We are outraged, yet we do nothing. We are a complacent nation to say the least.

But now read "Obama's America" (and I think every single Christian should) and you will see that we are not only complacent, we have practically hidden our hands in the sand like the proverbial ostrich, as though we believe that by not acknowledging the evil that is coming, it will just go away.

It won't.  It is coming.  And it will arrive soon.

Read the books listed above.  Fast and pray for God's mercy even as the judgment falls.  Face reality and stop living in the illusion of America, the superpower. The global world views and radical ideaology of America's enemies (from within) have already set America on its course to destruction. America, through the democracy of the vote, has chosen her king. And it is not the LORD.

If Obama is re-elected, and I feel strongly that he will be (even though my own vote will be against him, not for him) there will be no hope for this nation, not anymore. Not because God is not able, but because America will have chosen her king once and for all. And God will give her want she wants.

But there is still hope for individuals, even as our nation collapses around us.  That hope is Jesus.  And the time for us to DO ALL that He has called us to do is NOW!

This is not a call to get involved in politics; this is a call to face reality, stop living in delusions, and re-order priorities with a sense of urgency as has never been seen before.

 "For as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark. And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." (Matthew 24:36-39)

There is a flood coming to is not the time to party.

"Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?  Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.  Verily, I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to smite his fellow-servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder, and appont him his portion with the hypocrites; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (Matthew 24:45-51)


Anonymous said...

I have not read either book, but have heard a lot about Dinesh D’Souza, and have heard him speak on several radio shows. He has recently come out with a movie about the President, his upbringing and that of his father’s. It is from his father’s beliefs that the President is guiding America on an unfamiliar path.

I have heard many speak of how America is in a “post Constitutional” phase - - and I heard a pastor this weekend in the church we are visiting say we are now in a “post Christian” America. Boy, did that raise the hair up on the back of my neck. I have recently been referring to America as “Romamerica” (i.e. Rome + America) as I see these two countries on a parallel path. The country that I grew up in is diminishing before my eyes. My children and grandchildren (I fear) will never know the country I know existed.

To be fair to the man that sits in the White House; where we find America today did not begin 3 ½ years ago - - he put the accelerator on, but did not create it all. I believe his party has much to do with where we are today, but the other party (of which I am more affiliated with) has contributed. The President has basically been playing his own version of “American Presidents goes wild” at the expense of all of us. He has some missed conceived idea that government can care for everyone, and his drones believe everything he says, especially that things will be “free.” I have never received anything for free that didn’t have a price somewhere. The old saying “the devil is in the details.”

True, Americans and specifically Christians have either ignored the situation or think it will go away. I know too many who have closed off all communication with the world and only communicate strictly with other Christians. This is one of the problems - - they are removing themselves from the “world” and creating a void. God tells us to be “the salt of the earth” and if we remove ourselves from the “world” then will not what God said occur “but if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” I fear that the Church is making itself obsolete as many are removing themselves from the world and by doing so they are removing themselves from the processes that make this Country what it is. We’re stepping out of the political process (which allows men, or women, like the one currently holding the Country’s highest office to be voting in.) We remove ourselves from juror duty or other facets of judicial system and now many laws are either not enforced or they are basically worthless.

We are in the times where men are becoming lovers of themselves and lovers of the creation and not the creator. I agree, it is time the Church prays and fasts for God’s mercy and that in November, the people will vote in a more honorable man. GW

Janna said...

Excellent comments on every are right on! The movie you mentioned ("Obama 2016") has shown in very few places and very limited showings, but as interest in it grows, I hope it will be made available to larger areas. I have no high expectations that it will even have a chance to show in my state of Nevada, being too near California. But anyone who has a chance to see it, should make time to see it. The producer (or is it director) is the man who did "Schindler's List" is not a "b" movie! I hope you get the opportunity to see it.

Anonymous said...

Another book I would suggest for your reading list would be "Ameritopia" by Mark Levin. Extremely interesting. Keep up the wonderful work! GW

Janna said...

I will check it out.