Tuesday, April 9, 2013


There is a a specific area of submission that particularly concerns the wife's role and it is this:

"However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." (Ephesians 5:33)

Strong's Concordance defines the word "respect" this way:

- to venerate, to revere, to fear (There is of course, godly fear and ungodly fear...I think this would be a reverential type of fear, such as an employee has to an employer, a child to a parent...thus I think it is a surrendering type of deference. But this part in parenthesis is merely my opinion, not Strong's.)

Webster's Dictionary provided much more help for the words respect, revere and venerate.

Before we get into those definitions, including synonyms (words meaning the same thing), related words, and antonyms (words that mean the opposite of the defined word), I would like for any wives who are reading this posting today to consider their heart's attitude toward their husband, making special note of the words that define her feelings for her husband.  There is a second step to this little exercise that will follow later, but for now, use these descriptive words for respect (or anti-respect) to help clarify what you are feeling towards your husband.


- an act of giving particular attention and consideration to another;
- high or special regard or esteem.

reference, regard

Related Words:
fondness, like, love, partiality, preference, adoration, adulation, deference, hero worship, homage, honor, awe, wonder, enthusiasm, interest, passion, prejudice, affection, attachment, devotion.

condemnation, disapproval, disdain, scorn, disappointment, disillusionment, indignatioin, unhappiness, aversion, contempt, disfavor, disgust, disinclination, dislike, disregard, distaste, hate, hared, loathing, nausea, repugnance, repulsion, revulsion, abomination, antipathy, detestation, deprecation, displeasure, dissatisfaction.


- to show deferential honor to;
- to regard as worthy of great honor.

admire, honor, love, regard, respect, laud , praise, delight, dignify, exalt, lionize, gratify, please, magnify, satisfy, adore, glorify, worship, reverence, venerate.

blaspheme, desecrate, profane, violate, affront, dishonor, disrespect, insult, offend, outrage, ridicule, scorn, slight, displeaase, defame, disparage,libel,  malign, slander, slur.


- to regard wtih reverential respect or with admiring deference;
- to honor with a ritual act of devotion.

Synonyms and Antonyms are the same as for the word Revere.

Now, if you have done the first part of the exercise correctly, you have, in your mind, at least, fastened upon the words that describe your feelings for your husband (and thus your relationship).

The second part of the exercise is this:

Replace your husband's face in your mind with that of Jesus. Do the same words describe your relationship with Jesus?

If they don't...

[...to be continued tomorrow.]



Anonymous said...

One of the most practical lessons and practice opportunities I can remember. Thank you. MDW

Janna said...

I am pretty sure the Lord Himself was behind this one! So, on His behalf, you are welcome.